Find Your Calm on September 16

Unlock your inner calm and nurture your nervous system with this four-session introduction to the Alexander Technique. We’ll connect more deeply with ourselves and each other as we learn simple, powerful tools that can make us more gentle with ourselves and our loved ones.

Bring your yoga mat and explore this transformative practice with us as we add more balance and serenity to our daily lives.

Session 1: What No One Tells Us About Deep Breaths

Session 2: Why One Muscle Can Relax Our Whole Body

Session 3: How to Let Go of Everyday Tension

Session 4: Integrating Calm into Daily Life

Our Pasadena circle starts September 16 in a cool, airy space with high ceilings and air conditioning. Sign up below to reserve your spot.

No time to join us in person? No problem!

 Join our e-mail circle for calming exercises, posture tips, and exclusive access to new events.